Thursday, April 24, 2014

19 Days to Graduation.

Hola all~

Because my last post was such a debbie downer, this will be a happy one! So much has happened since then and I am eager to share. I'll try not to bore you, (my nonexistent readers...jk) too much. 

Firstly, I am graduating in 19 days. Whaaaaaat. NINETEEN DAYS. Where has time gone? This semester has been great though. I've been taking some of the best classes, and although I have been so so packed with deadlines, projects, applications and well, just life, it has been really great. 

I've been trying to get out as much as possible and soak up all of Chicago before I must leave. Even made a to-do list of things to do. By the way, thank you Chicago weather for finally becoming bearable. It's strange to see the streets full of people again. Nice, but strange. We did it, guys. We survived Chiberia. 

Anyways, I also had my BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) show a month ago! I participated in a group show with three of my bestest friends, Julie, Erica and Jessica at SAIC called "Home Sweet Home." We were all inspired by our similar multi-cultural upbringings that essentially brought us together four lovely years ago~ 

After the BFA show, I participated in SAIC's Spring Art Sale. It was my first experience selling my stuff. Let's just say I need work on holding my ground when it comes to pricing. On one hand I would think "oh, if I don't get rid of it now, i'll have to ship it back to Hong Kong." Then...on the other, I was like "nawhh, don't undersell your work! Think of how much time and effort you put into it." It was a dilemma and I probably annoyed the heck out of my tablemate asking her about my prices every 5 minutes. Sorry! 

Needless to say, I am an easy person to get a good deal out of D: 

Alrighty, I must get back to finishing up my last real week of college. Essays will not write themselves! 

Here are some photos from the BFA Show opening night.

^Julie's mom being cute and posing with Erica's piece

^Erica being cute with other people's pieces

^ Jessica and I being cute in front of my piece 

^Jessica being cute with Erica's piece

So much cuteness.


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