I hope everyone had an amazing holiday (if you celebrate it) because I did! I went to LA with some of my friends from Shanghai and had a mini-reunion, its was so fun!...and the weather was so nice, unlike gloomy Chicago. Now I'm back and, I JUST WANT TO HERMIT! please.
Back to LA. We didn't do much because we did not have a car but, it was still nice walking around and exploring to Santa Monica. I was so sad we didn't get to go to the Getty or the Museum of Jurassic Technology (which you should all check out here).
Also! I came back with two new electronic babies: a Kindle Fire and a new Canon Powershot. Best black friday purchase ever :)
On the downside..I only took 2 pictures I really approve of, including this one of pancakes. yumyumyum! If you're ever in LA check out Jack and Joe's, it is at/near USC :)
These were taken with my friend's camera because my screen is just too small! It is so small that I can't tell if the picture is clear enough. Maybe it's time I get a new DSLR...hmm
and i'm addicted to Daby Toure.