Thursday, April 24, 2014

April Tunes

Did i mention I went to Jamaica for Spring Break? 

Take me back!!

If you can't, it's okay. I understand :-( Here's some music you can listen to-

Kygo is my new obsession. 

Love, Addie

19 Days to Graduation.

Hola all~

Because my last post was such a debbie downer, this will be a happy one! So much has happened since then and I am eager to share. I'll try not to bore you, (my nonexistent readers...jk) too much. 

Firstly, I am graduating in 19 days. Whaaaaaat. NINETEEN DAYS. Where has time gone? This semester has been great though. I've been taking some of the best classes, and although I have been so so packed with deadlines, projects, applications and well, just life, it has been really great. 

I've been trying to get out as much as possible and soak up all of Chicago before I must leave. Even made a to-do list of things to do. By the way, thank you Chicago weather for finally becoming bearable. It's strange to see the streets full of people again. Nice, but strange. We did it, guys. We survived Chiberia. 

Anyways, I also had my BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) show a month ago! I participated in a group show with three of my bestest friends, Julie, Erica and Jessica at SAIC called "Home Sweet Home." We were all inspired by our similar multi-cultural upbringings that essentially brought us together four lovely years ago~ 

After the BFA show, I participated in SAIC's Spring Art Sale. It was my first experience selling my stuff. Let's just say I need work on holding my ground when it comes to pricing. On one hand I would think "oh, if I don't get rid of it now, i'll have to ship it back to Hong Kong." Then...on the other, I was like "nawhh, don't undersell your work! Think of how much time and effort you put into it." It was a dilemma and I probably annoyed the heck out of my tablemate asking her about my prices every 5 minutes. Sorry! 

Needless to say, I am an easy person to get a good deal out of D: 

Alrighty, I must get back to finishing up my last real week of college. Essays will not write themselves! 

Here are some photos from the BFA Show opening night.

^Julie's mom being cute and posing with Erica's piece

^Erica being cute with other people's pieces

^ Jessica and I being cute in front of my piece 

^Jessica being cute with Erica's piece

So much cuteness.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

The day I thought it was Thursday.

Today (35 minutes ago, today), I thought it was Thursday. It was actually Wednesday. 

I thought I would share because for some reason, it is quite unsettling to think that for the whole day I thought it was a completely different day. Like I just wasted a day of life by living it passively, and in reality, not really living. Livin' life like a zombie. Not good!

I think I was/still kind of am so bothered by this because I feel lost. 

I feel like I am in a perpetual state of trying to find myself and figure life out. But then again, who isn't? I think it is also partly due to the work i've been making/not making. I'm just not excited by any of it. Well, it's more of a "kinnnnd of excited" but not EXCITED EXCITED. Yaknowwhati'msaying? 

I'll stop being a Silly Susan now. At the end of the day, I just need to keep pushing through. Work hard, PRODUCE produce produce, be present and stop living like a zombie. #socheeeesey. 

Fun info of the day! 

I'm using this gem of a phone from my middle and high school days because my phone broke. After so many years, it is still functional. I miss long lasting technology. Also, flip phones are just awesome. End of story. 

Now do yourself a favor and listen to some Stones...

You Can't Always Get What You Want- The Rolling Stones

"You can't always get what you want 
but if you try sometimes,
you get what you need"


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Meows and Future Plans. #2014


We meet again, my dear blog world. I can not believe it is already 2014, and that I will be graduating in 3.5 months. Yoikes! I am definitely nervous for the real world, but I am honestly very ready to start a new chapter of my life. Four years in one city is killing me. It is time to relocate, pleaseandthxyouz. A nomad cannot be tied down!

I will now share with you my list of places I might be moving to and have been researching/ daydreaming about.

1. Hong Kong
2. Singapore
3. Shanghai
4. New York
5. Sydney
6. Melbourne
7. London
8. LA/or San Fran
9. Penang, Malaysia
10. Bangkok

I'm not sure if I want to stay in the U.S, even though I get a "freebie" year after graduation to find a job and get sponsored. I think I miss Asia too much to stay...sorry America. Welp, I still have 3 and a half months so we shall see what happens. These last few months will be filled with working on my BFA Exhibition (graduation show) which opens March 14th, applying for jobs, looking for possible residencies and programs in random places like India (hehe) and building my portfolio. Basically three months of...getting my shit together.

Chicago's bitter cold weather (polar vortex??) is not helping. It has come to the point where -5 Celsius is considered "warm." Like today, which was the first day in WEEKS (since I got back actually) that I did not wear my knee length North Face out. It was warm but...there was a snow storm the whole day. Sigh.

But instead of rambling on about my getting-shit-together and permanent popsicle state, I shares with you some lovely music. What is a better gift...than the gift of music!

and then I will share pictures in my next post! Really. I haven't touched film in awhile, but I recently got a Sony NEX-3N which has kindly provided me with some nice pictures from winter break (I went to Vancouver, Vegas, Hong Kong and Singapore).


A&E (Random Acts)- Clean Bandits

'Crazy (TEEMID & Joie Tan Cover)- Gnarls Barkley

Sonnentanz (Sun Don't Shine) ft. Will Heard -Klang Karussell  

Life is a Song- Patrick Park

"You say life is a dream where we can't say what we mean
Maybe just some roadside scene that we're driving past
There's no telling where we'll be in a day or in a week
And there's no promises of peace or of happiness"

-Life is a Song, Patrick Park